Animal Allies Practice Scoring
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Email Address for Score Report *
We will never send you any spam. We hate spam, too. No human will ever even see this address unless you ask us to look up a report later.
Practice Match # *
This is just a number that you make up to keep track of your runs. It must be a number. During a tournament, each match would have an official number.
Team Number *
For practice runs this isn't crucial but it helps on our end to process data faster if each team uses their own unique number.
Referee Name
This is optional but may be helpful if you have a scoring question.
Table Number
At a tournament, the table number could be helpful for the referees. For example, if no team is able to accomplish mission 3 while on table 1 but some teams can on other tables, they may have to investigate table 1. For practice, it is optional.
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